West End Temple Sinai Congregation
  • (718) 634-0301

Shabbat Across America

March 1, 2024    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

As the Shabbat Across America website puts it, “On Friday night, March 1, 2024, hundreds of synagogues across the continent will take part in an historic national Jewish event to celebrate what unifies all Jews — Shabbat! Everyone is invited… singles, couples, families — all ages!”  We invite you to participate at West End Temple!  We’ll be having a meaningful, musical Shabbat service followed by a delicious Shabbat meal.  Join us!  RSVP by emailing , or calling our office at 718 634 0301.


Contact Us

147-02 Newport Avenue
Rockaway Park, NY 11694
(718) 634-0301

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